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WV STARS Career Pathway Credential

All individuals utilizing WV STARS are Registry Participants.
Individuals can also apply to be assigned a level as part of our Career Pathway Credential certificate. 

Career Pathway Credential - FAQ

  • What is the WV STARS Registry?
    The WV STARS Registry is the system that collects demographic, educational, employment, and professional development information for the Early Care & Education Field (Birth to Three, Home Visitation, Child Care, Out of School Time Care, Head Start, etc.)
  • What's the difference between a Registry Participant and a Career Pathway Participant?
    A registry participant is anyone who is a member of the West Virginia Statewide Training and Registry System (WV STARS). They have provided their personal demographic and employment information and can access the training calendar to register for training. They also have access to their training history record through WV STARS. A career pathway participant is a member of WV STARS who has provided their demographic and employment information, AND submitted a current resume and educational documentation. Career Pathway participants are assigned a Career Pathway Credential Level by WV STARS staff and will receive a Career Pathway Credential certificate in the mail.
  • What is the WV STARS Career Pathway?
    The WV STARS Career Pathway is a system of career mobility that is based on West Virginia's Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies and is available to professionals at all levels. The Career Pathway provides a framework to encourage higher levels of skills, credentials, and wages.
  • What is a WV STARS Career Pathway Level?
    When a Career Pathway Application is approved, WV STARS Staff assigns the applicant a Career Pathway Level. The level is assigned based on education (both formal and informal) and experience.
  • Am I required to join the registry as a Career Pathway Participant?
    If you are employed in a licensed child care center, you must have a Career Pathway Certificate and and have been assigned a level on the Career Pathway & and a WV STARS Registry ID number. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure if you should be a Career Pathway participant or a Registry Participant. Your assigned Career Pathway Level can serve as a starting point for planning your career development and professional growth.
  • How do I apply for a Career Pathway Credential?
    Step-by-step guide with photos to create your account and apply for a Career Pathway Credential. 1. Complete the Applicant Information tab and select NEXT 2. Read and mark Agree to the Participant Agreement then select NEXT 3. Complete the Employment Information tab information and select NEXT 4. Complete the Demographic Information tab information and select NEXT 5. Complete the Next Steps tab by choosing WV STARS Career Pathway and select REGISTER 6. Click on the Career Pathway Credential Submission tab on the left side of your screen. 7. Select Career Pathway Credential from the drop-down box 8. Click on APPLY towards the right of the screen 9. In the Experience in Early Childhood Education box click ADD NEW 10. Click UPLOAD, enter the number of years of experience in Early Childhood Education that you believe is represented on your resume and click on SAVE 11. Under the Formal Education label click ADD NEW DEGREE or ADD NEW ACADIMIC COURSE WORK 13. Enter the name of the Educational Institution, Type of Degree or Diploma and the Date Earned and select UPLOAD 14. After a copy of your official college transcripts or high school diploma/GED have been attached select SAVE 15. After attaching all documentation click on UPDATE INFORMATION at the bottom of the page to submit your information 16. You will know you did it correctly as it will show as pending on your screen. Please remember Career Pathway Credential Submission information must be attached to complete your application (this step comes after the Register button). Apply Online
  • What do I need to have ready when I apply for the Career Pathway Credential?
    We encourage you to review the step-by-step guide to familiarize yourself with the process before you begin! It is very helpful to have your educational documentation and resume ready to upload when you apply, but if you don't have it when you can apply, you can upload it later - just don't forget! You cannot be assigned a Career Pathway Level and Certificate without submitting your educational documentation and a resume.
  • How long is the Career Pathway Certificate active?
    You must renew your WV STARS Career Pathway Certificate every 3 years.
  • How do I advance my Career Pathway Level?
    Your assigned Career Pathway Level is based on Early Childhood specific Education and Experience and once you've advanced one of those areas you can apply to move to the next level! Guide to Advancing your Career Pathway Certificate You can apply to advance your Career Pathway Level at any time during the 3 years your Career Pathway Certificate is active. Advancing your Career Pathway Level automatically renews your Career Pathway Certificate.
  • How do I renew my Career Pathway Certificate?
    Step-by-step photo guide to renewing your Career Pathway Certificate
  • My Career Pathway Certificate is expired. Now what?
    If your certificate expired less than 6 months ago, you can renew. (See "How do I Renew my Career Pathway Certificate") If your certificate expired more than 6 months ago, you must reinstate.

Career Pathway Levels Table

A table showing the expected abilities and documentation requirements for each Career Pathway Level.

WV STARS Career Pathway Levels

A list of the Career Pathway Levels with the expected abilities and requirements for each.

Career Pathway Credential Levels

Level I


At least 16 years old


enrolled in High School


GED preparation classes.


Conform to Core Knowledge and Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Professionals by following supervisory direction and instruction.

Level II


At least 18 years old with a High School diploma


0-1 years of experience.


Understand and practice Core Knowledge and Core Competencies with direction and instruction or through sponsorship/affiliation with a professional organization or qualified mentor.

Level III


WV Training Certificate in Early Care and Education (WVTCECE) which includes completion of 120 clock hours of registered training through WV SATARS


120 completed training hours required for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or equivalent


3 completed semesters of the Apprenticeship for Child Development Specialist (ACDS) program


completed 4 courses of the WVDE Child Development Specialist (CDS) Career and Technical Education program.


Practice programming that conforms to Core Knowledge and Core Competencies. 

Level IV


Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or equivalent


12 college credits in early care and education


300 hours of  relevant occupational experience


4 completed semesters of the Apprenticeship for Child Development Specialist (ACDS) program


North American Montessori Center Teaching Diploma


Undergraduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education


Practice and implement programming that conforms to Core Knowledge and Core Competencies.

Level V


Apprenticeship for Child Development Specialist (ACDS) certificate


other comparable certificate program in early care and education


28-63 college credit hours, with 9 college credit hours in early care and education


28-63 college credit hours


1 year of relevant occupational experience.


Plan and adapt programming that conforms to Core Knowledge and Core Competencies.

Level VI


Associate's degree in an early care and education field


associate's degree with 12 college credit hours in early care and education courses


associate's degree and 2 years of relevant occupational experience


64 college credit hours with 12 college credit hours in early care and education courses


64 college credit hours with 2 years of relevant occupational experience.


Make curricular decisions that conform to Core Knolwedge and Core Competencies 

Level VII


Bachelor's degree in an early care and education field


bachelor's degree with 15 college credit hours in early care and education


either 90 practicum contact hours


1 year of relevant occupational experience


bachelor's degree


3 years of relevant occupational experience.


Develop, select, and evaluate the early childhood program; apply theory into practice. 

Level VIII


Advanced (master's or doctorate) degree in an early care and education field or advanced degree with 18 college credit hours in early care and education and either 90 practicum hours or 1 year of relevant occupational experience or advanced degree and 5 years of relevant occupational experience.


Directly involved in the activities of state, regional, and/or national groups; contribute to the formation, evaluation, and implementation of policies within the early childhood field.

611 7th Ave

Suite 322

Huntington, WV 25701

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Phone: 304-522-7827

Toll Free: 855-822-7827

Fax: 304-529-2535


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